BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE - Standing Orders Suspension — Motion

HON SUE ELLERY (South Metropolitan — Leader of the House) [5.51 pm] — without notice: I move —

That so much of the standing orders be suspended so as to enable the following variations to the order of business for Wednesday, 13 June 2018; Thursday, 14 June 2018; Wednesday, 27 June 2018; and Thursday, 28 June 2018 —

(a)  no consideration of committee reports on each Wednesday;

(b)  the Council is to commence meeting at 9.00 am on each Thursday;

(c)  no private members’ business on each Thursday; and

(d)  on Wednesday, 27 June 2018, the house is to proceed to orders of the day at the conclusion of motion 1, Independent Rural Fire Service; and

(e)  the Council is to sit beyond the normal adjournment time on each Wednesday and Thursday, and shall take members’ statements at 7.20 pm on each Wednesday and at 6.20 pm on each Thursday.

[Speeches and comments from various members]

HON ALISON XAMON (North Metropolitan) [7.40 pm]: I rise on behalf of the Greens to indicate that we will also support this motion and to indicate we appreciate the spirit in which discussions have occurred behind the Chair to try to reach a broad agreement about how to enable additional hours to be made available. I also wish to make it clear that although the Greens are comfortable with allowing additional hours in order for the legislative agenda to be progressed, we of course will, as we always do, take as much time on each piece of legislation as required but no more. That is always the case and will continue to be the case.

Having said that, I will express the personal view that I hope that workers’ compensation legislation is not only able to be passed, but also able to be passed in a timely manner. I am aware that there are families who will be directly affected by the passage of that legislation. In terms of determining what priority legislation we will deal with, it is my personal hope that that will get swift passage.

HON RICK MAZZA (Agricultural) [7.41 pm]: I rise to indicate that the crossbench will also support the motion. We understand that the government desires to get these bills through. As has been said here, obviously debate around those bills needs to be thorough. We look forward to making sure that they are debated at length.

The PRESIDENT: I note that this type of motion requires an absolute majority. Having cast my eye around the chamber and done the headcount, we indeed have an absolute majority and therefore the motion is agreed.

Question put and passed with an absolute majority.


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