Second Reading

Resumed from 23 August.

HON COLIN TINCKNELL (South West) [ 12.32 pm ]: Yesterday, Hon Alison Xamon made some comments on the Child Support (Adoption of Laws) Amendment Bill 2017. I want to mention that I have the full support of the crossbench on this. We will be supporting this amendment bill.

[speeches and comments of various members]

Question put and passed.

Bill read a second time.

Leave granted to proceed forthwith to third reading.

Third Reading

HON SUE ELLERY (South Metropolitan — Leader of the House) [ 12.42 pm ]: I move —

That the bill be now read a third time .

HON ALISON XAMON (North Metropolitan) [ 12.43 pm ]: I want to make a couple of comments on the Leader of the House’s second reading reply to the Child Support (Adoption of Laws) Amendment Bill 2017. I am pleased to hear that we will at least contemplate referring these matters in the future. I encourage the Leader of the House to consider that because I am concerned that our failure to consider referring these matters will mean that we will have to keep dealing with this legislation. I am concerned that that will mean that children from ex-nuptial relationships will continue to be disadvantaged by delays with these provisions.

Question put and passed.

Bill read a third time and passed.


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