DEXTER MELVYN DAVIES - Condolence Motion

HON SUE ELLERY (South Metropolitan — Leader of the House) [1.02 pm] — without notice: I move —

That this house expresses its deep regret at the death of Hon Dexter Davies, a former member of the Legislative Council for the Agricultural Region, places on record its appreciation for his long public service and tenders its profound sympathy to members of his family in their bereavement.

[Speeches and comments from various members]

HON ALISON XAMON (North Metropolitan) [2.21 pm]: I rise today on behalf of the Greens to indicate my support for this motion. I did not know Dexter Davies personally, but my Greens colleagues from the thirty-fifth Parliament did. When I relayed to them the passing of Dexter Davies, they indicated sorrow and commented that it was very sad because “he was one of the good ones, and a really decent man”. I know he was well liked and respected, and was very much recognised for being a family and a community-minded man.

Dexter Davies had a distinguished career as an advocate for primary producers, with a serious interest in the fisheries industry, including, as has been said, business development. He spent years with the Rural Business Development Corporation, the Aquaculture Development Council of Western Australia and in education and training, and many years as a member of AgriFood Skills Australia’s Seafood Standing Committee. He had policy expertise, having been on the ministerial Dry Seasons Advisory Committee. He was of course a primary producer in this state in his own right. We cannot ignore—it has been spoken of already—his decades as a well-respected and senior member of the National Party. He had many sporting achievements and membership of cricket and football clubs and committees.

I have read his contributions to Parliament and they are reflected in the actions and words of the people who loved and knew him. He desired to create a better future for everyone. He wanted everyone to come together with open minds and hearts, to bridge divides and, very importantly, work hard to ensure that everyone regardless of background and location had the opportunity to be healthy, happy and have opportunities. That was shown again and again in his commitment to rural businesses and education, be that through his work on committees, councils and boards, or through initiatives such as his advocacy for changes such as community-owned banking. Another thing that really stood out to me was that he believed he could improve what we currently have without tearing down what went before. Through his words in Parliament, I can see that he did not want to waste time fighting and arguing about the past and distributing blame; he simply wanted to quietly and practically get on with the business of improving the world. I have seen and heard how important his leadership, mentorship and friendship has been to many of my colleagues in this place. It would have been good to know him.

On behalf of my colleagues in the Greens (WA), my very sincerest condolences to Dexter’s wife, Leonie, of course to our parliamentary colleague Mia, to Emma, to the rest of the Davies family, his friends and his National Party colleagues.


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