
Resumed from 27 November. The Deputy Chair of Committees (Hon Matthew Swinbourn) in the chair; Hon Stephen Dawson, (Minister for Environment) in charge of the bill.

Comments and speeches from various members

Clause 53: Eligibility to act as administering practitioner —

Comments and speeches from various members

The CHAIR: Members, I think the amendment has been circulated in written form. Hon Nick Goiran has moved —

Page 33, lines 11 to 15 — To delete the lines.

Comments and speeches from various members

Hon ALISON XAMON: I rise to indicate that I will not be supporting this amendment. I want to echo a lot of the comments of Hon Alannah MacTiernan. In addition, I would like to say that this amendment underestimates the degree of expertise our nurse practitioners bring to the medical profession these days. This is a profession that is highly professional. It is also a profession consisting of people who are often, in some ways, better qualified even than doctors to perform a lot of the tasks they do. I have had the privilege of working with nurses in a number of capacities over a number of years. I am aware that very often, the senior nurses have a far greater level of expertise than even a lot of junior doctors. I think it is really important to keep this provision to facilitate services appropriately to the regions. It is also important because it is recognition of just how senior these medical practitioners are.

Comments and speeches from various members

Amendment put and negatived.


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