43. Hon Alison Xamon to the minister representing the Minister for Commerce and Industrial Relations:

I refer to WorkSafe’s inspection programs for 2016 – 17, and ask:

 (a) how many inspections did WorkSafe undertake;

 (b) of those outlined in (a), how many were:

 (i) proactive, spontaneous, with limited or without notice;

 (ii) routine; and

 (iii) initiated in response to a complaint;

 (c) what are the priority areas for WorkSafe’s inspection programs;

 (d) for those cases outlined in (b), how many have been completed; and

(e) for each proactive inspection program:

(i) what was the program looking at and what prompted the program;

(ii) did it include both metropolitan and regional areas of the State;

(iii) how many inspections took p lace and how many were scheduled;

(iv) will the findings of the inspection program be made public; and

(v) have any notices been issued or enforcement action taken?

Hon Alannah MacTiernan replied:

(a) WorkSafe uses the term “investigation” not “inspection”. 7,540 investigations were commenced in the 2016 – 17 reporting period. Not all investigations commenced in a year are completed in that same year.

(b)      (i) 4,533 – proactive investigations;

(ii) WorkSafe does not have a “routine” investigation classification;

(iii) 3,007 – reactive investigations.

(c) [ See tabled paper no 352. ] . Questions (c) and (e) make reference to “priority areas for Worksafe’s inspection programs” and “proactive inspection program”. WorkSafe does not directly report on these terms. WorkSafe’s category titled Proactive Industry Intervention appears to closely match the two terms. In view of these circumstances, the information provided in the tabled paper is in relation to WorkSafe’s Proactive Industry Intervention programs.

(d) 124 of those investigations in part (b) are not completed.

(e)       (i) [ See tabled paper no 352.]

(ii) Of the 3,833 proactive investigations planned at the commencement of the 2016 – 17 reporting period, 2,753 were planned for metropolitan Perth and 1,080 were planned for regional locations. Not all Proactive Industry Intervention programs necessarily involved regional activity. Proactive investigation statistics do not just relate to planned Proactive Industry Intervention programs. Inspectors undertaking unplanned investigations are also recorded against proactive investigations.

(iii) [ See tabled paper no 352. ]

(iv) Generally, Proactive Industry Intervention programs conducted by WorkSafe involve industry engagement. In addition, where there is the opportunity to address broader industry compliance, if it will improve standards of occupational safety and health and depending on the circumstances, WorkSafe makes information publicly available about findings from Proactive Industry Intervention programs.

(v) Yes. [ See tabled paper no 352.]

Tabled paper 352 -$file/tp-352.pdf


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