1480. Hon ALISON XAMON to the Minister for Environment:

I refer to the “Swan Canning River Protection Strategy”, priority action 1.2, “Establish collaborative agreements between management organisations”, which is listed as completed in the 2018 strategy report.

(1)  How many of these agreements have been made, and between which organisations?

(2)  What are the expected outcomes of these agreements?

(3)  Could the minister please table these agreements?


I thank the honourable member for some notice of her question.

(1)  I am advised by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions that it is estimated that over 90 collaborative arrangements exist or have been newly created for 2018–19 under the classes of shoreline management, catchment management, research and development, community engagement and education. Organisations include other state government agencies, local governments, research institutions and community groups.

(2)  These collaborative agreements help deliver a wide range of water quality, foreshore restoration and stabilisation, catchment restoration, public amenity, incident response, citizen science and behaviour change outcomes for the Swan and Canning rivers.

(3)  These documents cannot be tabled in the time available as approval of the participating partner agencies and management organisations would first need to be obtained. Further, each agreement is around 30 pages long, totalling hundreds of pages across the more than 90 agreements. I would be happy to offer the honourable member a briefing on this matter.


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