Access to Justice

Alison and the Greens believe that all people have a right to a safe, peaceful existence; free from crime and the fear of violence. The rule of law and timely access to justice for all people are fundamental to a democratic society. Equality before the law requires policies and resources that overcome social, economic and cultural inequalities. Access to justice should not be dependent on how much money a person has. Legal assistance is not a privilege – it is the right of all Australians.

Alison will always advocate for a criminal justice system that focuses on addressing the underlying causes of offending behaviour, taking into consideration the rights of both victims and offenders. Alison will initiate and support legislation that implements alternatives to prison, where appropriate, including restorative justice; justice reinvestment and diversionary programs. Alison will also continue to work towards an improved justice response to people with mental health issues and those with cognitive or intellectual impairment including ending the indefinite detention of people on custody orders under the Criminal Law (Mentally Impaired Accused) Act 1996.