2886. Hon Alison Xamon to the minister representing the Minister for Racing and Gaming:

I refer to the proposed dedicated racing infrastructure fund, to be established with approximately 35 percent of the proceeds of the sale of the TAB, and I ask:

(a)  what proportion of the sale of the TAB funds will be dedicated to the greyhound racing industry;

(b)  how much, if any, of the funds from the ongoing point of consumption tax will be dedicated to greyhound welfare; and

(c)  will improvements to greyhound welfare/safety be one of the priorities for the use of this fund;

(d)  if no funds will be so dedicated, why not?

Hon Alannah MacTiernan replied:

(a)  All distribution funding to industry, including the three codes of racing, is a decision for the board of the State’s principal racing authority, Racing and Wagering Western Australia (RWWA); with approval from the Minister for Racing and Gaming through RWWA’s Strategic Development Plan (SDP). The TAB (Disposal) Act 2019 (the Act) requires RWWA to include in its SDP investment strategies and planned allocations from the Racing Infrastructure Fund.

(b)  Ongoing Point of Consumption Tax funds are applied as general revenue by RWWA and are not distributed in a prescribed manner by racing code or by initiative. RWWA allocates general funds on the basis of each racing codes strategic plan.

(c)  Under the requirements of the Act, the Racing Infrastructure Fund’s priorities will be to improve infrastructure for the State’s racing industry.

(d)  Under the requirements of the Act, the fund must be applied for providing and improving infrastructure for the State’s racing industry. RWWA currently heavily invests and will continue to invest in animal welfare initiatives to ensure the best care and welfare for greyhounds during all stages of their life.


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