3378. Hon Alison Xamon to the minister representing the Minister for Racing and Gaming:

I refer to blood testing of greyhounds, such as that referred to in laboratory reports provided to Racing and Wagering Western Australia as attachments to letters dated 8 August 2019 and 29 April 2020, and I ask if the reports provided information about the levels of substances found in the samples from the dogs?

Hon Alannah MacTiernan replied:

The reports of the laboratories do not provide information about the levels of substances found in the samples.

As the rules relating to the prohibited substance in question relate to presence only and are not subject to levels or limits, the reports of the laboratories are not required to state levels as it is an offence under the rules if these substances are present at any level. The laboratories task is to detect and confirm only the presence of these substances.

Although the Laboratory reports do not provide levels, this may be given in evidence by the representatives of the laboratory at a Stewards inquiry where such levels are available, either as an estimate or quantified reading.


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