496. Hon ALISON XAMON to the Leader of the House representing the Minister for Child Protection:

I refer to the Home Stretch campaign, which seeks to provide care leavers with a home until the age of 21.

(1)  Given Tasmania’s recent move to provide optional extended support for young people until 21, will the minister commit to introducing this initiative in Western Australia?

(2)  If no to (1), why not?

(3)  If yes to (1), when?

Hon SUE ELLERY replied:
I thank the honourable member for some notice of the question.

(1)–(3) The Department of Communities undertook a statutory review of the Children and Community Services Act 2004, which was tabled in Parliament on 28 November 2017. Optional extended support for young people until the age of 21 is being considered as part of recommendation 63 of the statutory review of the Children and Community Services Act 2004.


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