437. Hon Alison Xamon to the Leader of the House representing the Minister for Child Protection:

I refer to the Coroner’s recommendation that, “on the transfer of children in care from one location and set of carers to another, there be appropriate assessment by consultant paediatricians in the new location to record a child’s welfare and progress”, and that this should be “on top of and in addition to their annual assessments”, and I ask:

(a)  does the Government support this recommendation;

(b)  if no to (a), why not;

(c)  if yes to (a), what action has the Government taken to address this recommendation; and

(d)  if no action has been taken, why not?

Hon Sue Ellery replied:

(a)  The Department of Communities is considering this recommendation.

(b)  Not applicable.

(c)  Practice guidance has been developed to enable the case transfer of children in care and case management to follow the child. Factors considered include care planning, legal requirements, education, contact arrangements and physical, psychological, emotional and behavioural health, including routine and specialist health matters.

Within 20 working days of a child entering care, health care planning commences to identify and treat any immediate health concerns, and an annual review of the child’s health status is required while a child remains in care.

(d)  Not applicable.


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