Children and Youth

All children have the right to a loving and nurturing environment free from physical, emotional and sexual abuse, neglect, exploitation and discrimination. To reach their full potential as human beings and live a healthy life, children and young people should have equitable access to resources, education and opportunities for personal growth, lifelong learning and participation in decision-making about their lives. All children and young people have a right to access appropriate services regardless of where they live or the socio-economic status of their parents.

Alison and the Greens will always encourage and support legislation that supports individuals who are raising children; funds agencies to develop and implement community-based programs which assist carers to develop positive child-rearing skills, and prevent poverty, social exclusion and parental stress. Teachers, childcare workers, and other professionals working with children and young people must receive training based on best practice and research.

Alison has a strong history of advocating for children and young people - and will continue to defend young people’s right to access services and programs appropriate to their age and development, including health and mental health services; legal services; youth justice prevention and diversion courts and programs; and training and employment programs.

State legislation and policies should adhere to the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child.