649. Hon ALISON XAMON to the Minister for Education and Training:

I refer to the former City Beach High School site.

(1)  Will the minister please advise whether there are any caveats in place for the site?

(2)  If yes to (1), what are the restrictions specified for each caveat?

Hon SUE ELLERY replied:
I thank the honourable member for some notice of the question.

(1)  Yes.

(2)  The following caveats or encumbrances are in place: lease K684197 to the Australian Association for International Education Inc, registered on 13 August 2008, a 10-year lease until 22 January 2017 with two five-year options to extend; lease M170989 to the Japanese School Council, registered on 31 January 2013, relating to tower block B, leased until 21 January 2017, with two five-year options to extend; reserve 29923 to the minister for education for School Education Act 1999 purposes; easement A257413 to the Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage Board for water pipeline purposes; and easement N218160 to the Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority for access purposes. The site is also partially affected by the Cambridge Endowment Lands Act 1920, granting the Town of Cambridge some additional planning discretion.


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