210. Hon Alison Xamon to the minister representing the Minister for Planning:

I refer to the City of Vincent Town Planning Scheme No. 2 (TPS2), adopted by the City of Vincent on 18 November 2014 and yet to be gazetted, and I ask:

(a) could the Minister please advise if and when a recommendation regarding TPS2 was made by the Western Australian Planning Commission in accordance with s87(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2005 ;

(b) could the Minister please advise which body or office is responsible for the next decision in the process of approving and gazetting TPS2; and

(c) what has caused the final approval of TPS2 to be so delayed?

Hon Stephen Dawson replied:

(a) The City of Vincent draft Local Planning Scheme No. 2 was forwarded to the former Minister for Planning on 22 December 2016.

(b) The City of Vincent draft Local Planning Scheme No. 2 is currently being considered by the Hon Ben Wyatt MLA, Acting Minister for Planning responsible for The City of Vincent draft Local Planning Scheme No. 2 for a decision.

(c) The Acting Minister for Planning for The City of Vincent draft Local Planning Scheme No. 2 is considering a range of issues raised by The City of Vincent draft Local Planning Scheme No. 2.


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