Community Services

Western Australia’s community services sector plays a vital role in protecting and supporting many of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged in our community. As the gap between Western Australia’s rich and poor widens, the sector often has to try to accomplish more, with less. They work tirelessly and innovatively to deliver services and to make their meagre dollars stretch as far as possible.

An employer of 93,000 people in Western Australia, the community services sector also plays a significant role in our economy. The sector delivers an estimated 1500 government contracts, while also serving an important role providing advice to the Government, in particular assisting with the design of effective services and programs.

The sector is made up disproportionately of women and their wages continue to be significantly below comparable positions in the public service. Adequately funding the sector will play an important role in addressing the gender pay gap.

Alison and the Greens are committed to improving the wellbeing of all Western Australians, particularly those who are vulnerable and at-risk, and to reducing the gender pay gap through a well-funded community services sector.