346. Hon Alison Xamon to the parliamentary secretary representing the Minister for Mental Health:

I refer to the research centre currently located at the Graylands Hospital campus, and I ask:

(a)  does the Minister intend the research centre to continue to operate following the closure of Graylands Hospital;

(b)  if yes to (a), where will the research centre be located;

(c)  if no to (a), what will happen to the staff currently employed at the centre; and

(d)  if a decision has not yet been made, when does the Minister intend to make a decision on these matters?

Hon Alanna Clohesy replied:

I am advised that:

(a)  Yes.

(b)  This has not yet been determined.

(c)  Not applicable.

(d)  This decision is likely be made in 2018/19 as it is contingent upon a review of the current model and identification of options for an appropriate location or locations for the future model.


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