3382. Hon Alison Xamon to the minister representing the Minister for Racing and Gaming:

(1)  I refer to the 910 ‘hobbyist’ greyhound owners/co-owners/lessees/syndicates that have not registered for GST, and I ask:

(a)  what is the total pool of winnings for the most recent financial year for these ‘hobbyist’ greyhound racers; and

(b)  what is the total pool of winning for the most recent financial year for the 19 ‘business’ greyhound racers?

(2)  does Racing and Wagering Western Australia provide any information to the Australian Tax Office regarding winnings per dog or per owner?

Hon Alannah MacTiernan replied:

(1)       (a) $7 670 985

(b) $2 753 796 (GST NOT included)

(2)  No Racing and Wagering Western Australia does not provide information to the Australian Tax Office regarding winnings per dog or per owner.


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