2942. Hon Alison Xamon to the parliamentary secretary representing the Minister for Health:

(1)  Will the Minister please advise the current school nurse FTE in Western Australian:

(a)  primary schools; and

(b)  high schools?

(2)  Will the Minister please advise at which schools school nurses are located, and the number of school nurse FTE at each school?

Hon Alanna Clohesy replied:

I am advised:

(1)      (a)       92.7 FTE in the metropolitan area.

63.81 FTE in the regions.

(b)       70.0 FTE in the metropolitan area.

30.05 FTE in the regions. Note: In district high schools the community health nurse works with primary and high school students.

(2) [See tabled paper no 3961. - Hon Alison Xamon — QON No. 2942 — Current school nurse FTE 2020 ]


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