HON ALISON XAMON (North Metropolitan) [10.02 am]: I present a petition containing 462 signatures, couched in the following terms —
To the President and Members of the Legislative Council of the Parliament of Western Australia in Parliament Assembled:
- Change in Land Use to “Tavern” on the premises/ tenancies of Iluka Plaza and in any other premises/ tenancies within the Commercial Zone in Iluka, including the parcel of land South of O’Mara Boulevard.
- Granting of “Tavern Restricted Licence” or “Tavern Licence” for proposed Tavern applications as per A.
If approved, a Tavern will reduce economic diversity of cafe and restaurant options in our neighbourhood, increasing the density of alcohol supply by a bigger business group, in an over-catered market with other small businesses operating similar services within 1 km to 4 km of this site. Additionally, it will bring tremendous and negative detriment to our quiet and peaceful beach side community with risk of antisocial behaviour, noise and increase in general nuisance because:
- The Size, Scale and Location and Nature of proposed tavern are not in keeping with neighbourhood character.
- The location is within less than 10 meters from New Residences which share the same entry and egress point for vehicles as Tavern. It is proposed to operate till midnight 7 days a week which will surely create significant nuisance disturbing peace and quiet in our beautiful family suburb and community.
- The Tavern is proposed to operate in the Iluka Plaza, co-located with Early Childhood Learning Centre for up to 87 young children, with its hours of operation coinciding with service to vulnerable members of our community.
The Shopping Centre is already fraught with poor car parking design and Tavern Land use will further exacerbate the Car parking and access/ egress due to the following:
- Upper Car Park and Lower Car Park are not interconnected for vehicular access/egress and each have only one entry and egress point for vehicles. If for any reason, these access/ egress points get blocked, all the other vehicles will have no other point of egress/ exit and will effectively get trapped;
- There is already a shortfall of Car Parking Bays at calculation of 1 car bay per 20 sqm. of shopping centre Net Lettable Floorspace. A Tavern requires 1 car bay per 5 sqm. of Bar and Dining floor space as per City of Joondalup’s Commercial, Mixed Use and Serviced Commercial Zone Policy;
- In this instance 615 sqm., including alfresco is proposed for service of food and alcohol therefore creating a net shortfall of 93 car bays created by the proposed Tavern;
- A Medical Centre, which has also been leased, will also require dedicated parking of 5 bays per each practitioner which will create further car parking deficit despite shared parking arrangements;
- Additionally, there is no provision of car parking cater to the staffing requirements of the Tavern;
- There is no provision of nor is there any intention of providing any dedicated Taxi ranks, which combined with parking shortfalls, may lead to parking related disputes as well as potential DUIs.
[See paper 4140. - Application of change of land use to tavern in premises of Iluka Plaza — requests the Legislative Council to oppose - (462 signatures) ]