351. Hon Alison Xamon to the Minister for Education and Training:

(1)  I refer to the co-location of the International School of Western Australia (ISWA) with Doubleview Primary School and the concerns of parents and nearby residents regarding the reduced public use of the shared oval and playing courts, and I ask:

(a)  when will the community be able to access the shared oval and playing courts;

(b)  will Doubleview Primary School students and parents be allowed to use the shared oval and playing courts immediately after the end of their school day and prior to the end of the ISWA school day; and

(c)  will the department be required to pay for the anticipated future development marked out on the plans?

(2)  I refer to the decision to relocate the ISWA to the Doubleview Primary School site, and I ask:

(a)  were any other sites considered for the relocation of the ISWA;

(b)  if yes to (a), please state which sites were considered and why they were not chosen; and

(c)  if no to (a), why not?

Hon Sue Ellery replied:

(1)       (a) Public use of the oval and playing courts is welcomed at all times when not in use by either school.

(b) The use of the school oval and playing courts by either school (including members of the school community) during school hours will be determined by agreement of both principals.

(c) No.

(2)      (a) Yes.

(b) Sites considered included those owned or controlled by the Government such as Doubleview Primary School, City Beach Primary School, Tuart College and the former Perth Girls School. Sites on the Government’s asset disposal list and the Bold Park Skyline Drive-In site were also examined. The Department also met with a number of private land owners and examined afurther four sites in the western suburbs area as to their potential for a non-government school. The alternative sites examined were assessed as unsuitable because either they could not be developed within the timeframe to provide relief for Churchlands Senior High School or were not acceptable to ISWA.

(c) N/A.


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