The Greens spokesperson for Mental Health the Hon Alison Xamon MLC is dismayed, but certainly not surprised, by the findings of the Access to State-Managed Adult Mental Health Services report released by the Auditor General today.
“The report paints a damning picture of a disjointed State funded mental health care system, that is out of touch with how people use services, resulting in an inefficient system that heavily relies on crisis style care.
Greens spokesperson for Gambling and Mental Health the Hon Alison Xamon MLC has put forward amendments to the TAB (Disposal) Bill 2019 that, if adopted, will remove the electronic gambling platform Trackside from the sale of the TAB.
The Bill is scheduled to be debated in the upper house this week after having been passed by the lower house in June, Ms Xamon said.
Greens spokesperson for Worker Safety and Industrial Relations the Hon Alison Xamon MLC is absolutely outraged by the inadequacy of the $38 000 fine meted out to Valmont WA today for their part in the death of teenage construction worker Wesley Ballantine.
“It defies belief that Valmont WA received this woeful penalty even after admitting they were aware of the dangers that led to the death of teenage construction worker Wesley Ballantine.
Greens spokesperson for Workers’ Safety and Industrial Relations Hon Alison Xamon MLC is today calling on the Government to take immediate action to protect workers from the clear danger that exposure to silicosis presents.
“We know that this is a huge issue right across the country there is no reason to think WA is any different. The figures on the numbers of workers with silicosis coming out of Queensland are staggering and early numbers from WA are indicating we may be heading the same way.
Greens spokesperson for Animal Welfare Hon Alison Xamon MLC has today called on the Federal Department of Agriculture to extend the prohibition of the live sheep trade during the Northern Hemisphere summer to include both September and October.