2748. Hon Alison Xamon to the Leader of the House representing the Attorney General:

I refer to the National Redress Scheme and to the failure to progress applications related to Fairbridge, due to the institution not being declared defunct, and I ask:

(a)  have the concerns of the Old Fairbridgeans relating to the failure to declare Fairbridge defunct now been resolved;

(b)  if no to (a):

(i)  why not;
(ii)  has the State Government undertaken any work to seek to have the issues resolved;

(c)  if yes to (a), has Fairbridge been declared a defunct institution;

(d)  if no to (c), how have the issues been resolved;

(e)  if yes to (c), has a funder of last resort been identified;

(f)  if no to (e), when is it anticipated that a funder of last resort will be identified;

(g)  if yes to (e), who is the funder of last resort; and

(h)  if yes to (b)(ii), what work has been undertaken;

(i)  if no to (b)(ii), why not?

Hon Sue Ellery replied:

(a)  No.

(b)      (i) The Commonwealth continues to work to establish the responsible entities for the Fairbridge institutions around the country, including the Kingsley Fairbridge Farm School, Pinjarra.

(ii) Yes.

(c) N/A.

(d)  N/A.

(e)  N/A.

(f)  N/A.

(g)  N/A.

(h)  The State Government continues to work with the National Redress Scheme to determine a decision on the status of Kingsley Fairbridge Farm School, Pinjarra.

(i)  N/A.


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