
HON PETER COLLIER (North Metropolitan — Leader of the Opposition) [10.14 am] — without notice: I move —

That this house expresses its concern at the lack of openness and transparency in the decision-making process of the McGowan Labor government.

[speeches and comments of various members]

HON ALISON XAMON (North Metropolitan) [11.34 am]: In the remaining 40 seconds, I would like to say how disappointed I am with this government and its lack of transparency. I do not have much time. I particularly draw attention to the fact that, despite all the condemnation of the previous government when it did exactly the same thing, I am so desperately unhappy that this government has decided to continue with the payment for access to ministers as a practice. I think it is disgraceful and really needs to be made unlawful. I also concur with the comments made about the poor quality of questions and the lack of transparency around the machinery-of-government changes. Thank you very much.

Motion lapsed, pursuant to standing orders.


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