3081. Hon Alison Xamon to the parliamentary secretary representing the Deputy Premier; Minister for Health; Mental Health:
I refer to full time equivalent (FTE) employees of each Department and Agency within your portfolio areas, and I ask:
(a) how many Public Sector FTE were based in offices in the Perth CBD at 1 January 2010;
(b) how many Public Sector FTE are currently based in offices in the Perth CBD;
(c) have any Public Sector offices moved out of the Perth CBD in the past 10 years; and
(d) if yes to (c):
(i) which offices have moved;
(ii) where have they moved; and
(iii) why?
Hon Alanna Clohesy replied:
Please refer to Legislative Council Question on Notice 3079. Hon Martin Aldridge — QON No. 2350 — WA Country Health Service facilities — code declarations from January 2019