Hon Alison Xamon gave notice that at the next sitting of the house she would move —

That this house notes —

(1) the significant impacts on people with disability and their families of ongoing uncertainty about which form of the National Disability Insurance Scheme will be adopted in WA;

(2) whether the government decides to adopt the NDIS or the NDIS My Way model, it is imperative that those whose lives will be most affected by the decision are kept informed in an ongoing and meaningful way;

(3) that, furthermore, it is essential that a co-design model for engagement that involves people with disability and their families in the design of governance, policy and operational aspects is developed to inform the delivery of whichever scheme is agreed to;

(4) the significant uncertainty in the funding of disability services in WA, and calls upon the government to put mechanisms in place to ensure —

(a) that people with disability and their representative organisations are included in governance structures and inform service delivery design; and

(b) that the decision-making process is fully transparent.


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