Consumer Protection


75. Hon ALISON XAMON to the Leader of the House representing the Minister for Planning:

I refer to the outstanding and urgent need for a third-party right of appeal process.

(1) Will the minister commit to developing a third-party right of appeal process for development applications?

(2) Will the minister commit to developing a third-party right of appeal process for local planning scheme amendments?

(3) Will the minister commit to developing a third-party right of appeal process for metropolitan region scheme amendments?

Park homes

Park homes provide a valued lifestyle choice for up to 20,000 Western Australians, one that offers access to tight knit communities often in coastal locations and, as a bonus and not always a priority, housing at a low cost. Residential parks are usually close to beaches and other amenities, which means park-home owners are vulnerable to having desirable land sold from under them to developers.


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