Multicultural Affairs


614. Hon ALISON XAMON to the parliamentary secretary representing the Minister for Mental Health:

I refer to “A model for an effective and sustainable state-wide Transcultural Mental Health Service for Western Australia: Project Proposal: May 2018” submitted to the Mental Health Commission last year.

(1)  Has the Mental Health Commission endorsed the proposal?

(2)  If yes to (1)—

(a)  when does the commission expect to develop a business case for the model; and


HON ALISON XAMON (North Metropolitan) [10.03 pm]: I rise tonight to bring members’ attention to the situation in Sudan. That might sound like an unusual issue to be raising within the state Parliament, but this has been brought to my attention by members of the Sudanese Australian community who are living in Western Australia. I need to acknowledge the distress that they are experiencing, recognising that many Sudanese Australians arrived in Australia precisely to escape the sort of oppression that is occurring.


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