3376. Hon Alison Xamon to the minister representing the Minister for Racing and Gaming:

I refer to the management of conflict of interest in Racing and Wagering Western Australia (RWWA) and the note on page 116 of their Annual Report that “some senior officials own (in full and/or part) racehorses and/or greyhounds that participate in racing within Western Australia”, and I ask:

(a)  how is this conflict of interest managed within RWWA;

(b)  will RWWA make publicly available the names and winnings of the animals that are owned in part or in full by senior staff at RWWA; and

(c)  if no to (b), why not?

Hon Alannah MacTiernan replied:

(a)  Racing and Wagering Western Australia’s (RWWA) conflict of interest obligations are covered within RWWA’s Conflict of Interest policy. [See tabled paper no 4694. - Hon Alison Xamon — QON No. 3376 — Racing and Wagering Western Australia’s conflict of interest policy ] The policy prescribes the criteria to be applied when assessing potential conflicts of interests in relation to the ownership of racing animals and the appropriate course of action required upon identification of a potential conflict.

(b)  RWWA does not make publicly available the names and winnings of the animals that are owned in part or in full by senior staff at RWWA.

(c)  RWWA will not make such disclosures on grounds of privacy as any conflict of interest is managed in accordance with the policy.


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