448. Hon Alison Xamon to the Minister for Education and Training:

I refer to the design and location of the new school building to be added to the Mount Hawthorn Primary School, and I ask:

(a)  were there any design considerations that required the fig tree to be removed;

(b)  will the Minister please detail these design considerations;

(c)  were any designs considered that included the retention of the fig tree;

(d)  if no to (c), why not; and

(e)  will the Minister explain why the chosen design was better than any alternates?

Hon Sue Ellery replied:

(a)  Yes.

(b)  The design considerations requiring the fig tree to be removed were:

a two-storey building to meet the urgent need for increased student accommodation with proven design features for pre-primary students on a site with limited space;

provision of seven classrooms, activity area and all associated amenities;

incorporation of an open courtyard, which can be shared between the new building, the Education Support Centre and an existing teaching block;

maintenance of sunlight to the playground throughout the year with no overshadowing during winter classrooms will receive winter sun and the roof form protects classrooms from direct summer sun;

safety and security for students; and

an acoustic buffer to the road for the classrooms and courtyard.

(c)  Yes.

(d)  Not applicable.

(e)  The approved design was preferred due to the following:

the location of the new building best meets fire safety requirements;

placement of the building provides an opportunity to further complement and promote the partnership of the primary school and the Education Support Centre through the provision of an inclusive and safe play space;

the orientation and design of the building facilitates the best universal access outcomes for the site;

incorporation of both outdoor and indoor activity spaces located at the intersection of the planned buildings allows for greater and more flexible use of the additional space; and

maximises the retention of existing trees, paths and access ways on site.


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