3355. Hon Alison Xamon to the Minister for Education and Training:

I refer to the approximately 2,800 additional dwellings anticipated to be constructed, in the short to medium term, as part of the Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority’s redevelopment of the Scarborough Beach area, and I ask:

(a)  has the Department included this growth in dwellings and population as part of the forecasting for primary and high schools in the area;

(b)  please provide the ten year forecasts and current capacities for:

(i)  Scarborough Primary School;

(ii)  Deanmore Primary School;

(iii)  Newborough Primary School;

(iv)  Yuluma Primary School; and

(v)  Wembley Downs Primary School; and

(c)  could the Minister please provide a breakdown of where the Minister anticipates the students from these new dwellings will attend high school?

Hon Sue Ellery replied:

(a)  The Department of Education has considered the Scarborough Master Plan that was developed by DevelopmentWA and the estimated growth in residential dwellings. This information has been included in the student enrolment projections for local primary and secondary schools.

(b)  Projections have only been provided for five years. It is noted that beyond three to five years, the forecasts become more volatile due to the uncertainty of changes in student demand in the local-intake areas of these schools and the timing of residential development. Outlined below are the five-year forecasts and current capacities for identified schools:


2020 Enrolment (Semester 1)

Enrolment Projection 2025

Current Accomodation Capacity

Scarborough Primary School

215 270 285

Deanmore Primary School

499 534 511

Newborough Primary School

401 405 452

Yuluma Primary School

254 285 388

Wembley Downs Primary School

420 440 479

(c) The secondary school students residing in the proposed developments of the Scarborough Master Plan will be entitled to attend either Carine Senior High School or Churchlands Senior High School, depending on their residential address.


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