Referral to Standing Committee on Legislation — Standing Orders Suspension — Motion

HON STEPHEN DAWSON (Mining and Pastoral — Minister for Environment) [10.15 am] — without notice: I move —

That in relation to the Strata Titles Amendment Bill 2018 —

(a)  proposed part 12, “Termination of strata titles scheme”, inserted by clause 83 of division 3, part 2, to the Strata Titles Amendment Bill 2018 be referred to the Standing Committee on Legislation for consideration and report by Tuesday, 16 October 2018;

(b)  the Standing Committee on Legislation of the Council may consider other clauses of the bill to the extent that any amendments to proposed part 12, “Termination of strata titles schemes”, recommended by it require consequential amendments to the bill;

(c)  in its consideration of proposed part 12 and other clauses of the bill under paragraph (b), the Standing Committee on Legislation has the power to consider the policy of the bill in those clauses only;

(d)  the house may proceed with consideration of the bill, other than the matters referred under paragraph (a), but the Committee of the Whole shall not agree to a resolution to report the bill to the house until after the Standing Committee on Legislation reports on the referral of proposed part 12 and any related matter; and

(e)  so much of standing orders be suspended to allow the Standing Committee on Legislation to meet in relation to this inquiry whilst the Council is sitting.

[Speeches and comments from various members]

HON ALISON XAMON (North Metropolitan) [10.19 am]: I rise on behalf of the Greens to also indicate our support for the course of action proposed by Hon Stephen Dawson. As has already been said, I also thank Hon Donna Faragher, representing the opposition, as well as the government for the goodwill that has been shown in trying to ensure that any outstanding concerns around what is a large reform piece have a mechanism by which they can be resolved and aired. I think this is a sensible outcome. The Greens have no desire to hold up the legislation as such and are broadly supportive of what the legislation attempts to do. However, we are aware that some concerns have been voiced around the issue of majority terminations and it is appropriate that that one particular element will be able to receive additional scrutiny via the Standing Committee on Legislation. It is appropriate that it is a short turnaround as well because, as I said, we are not interested in having the legislation held up unnecessarily. It may be that concerns that have been expressed are able to be assuaged through examination by the committee or it may be that perhaps there is room for improvement. In any event, that additional scrutiny is welcome. I want to say thank you particularly to Hon Stephen Dawson for the goodwill that has been shown to try to progress this legislation in a sensible manner. It is a good course of action.

The PRESIDENT: I remind members that given that paragraph (e) of this motion deals with a suspension of standing orders, an absolute majority is required. I have counted the numbers in the house; an absolute majority is present and therefore this motion has been agreed with the concurrence of the majority of the house.

Question put and passed with an absolute majority.


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