307. Hon ALISON XAMON to the minister representing the Minister for Water:

I ask this question on behalf of Hon Diane Evers, who is out of the chamber on urgent parliamentary business. I refer to the 2010 “Vasse Wonnerup Wetlands and Geographe Bay: Water Quality Improvement Plan”.

(1)  When was the last time a progress report was prepared on the implementation of this plan or has the plan been updated?

(a)  Will the minister table a copy of any progress report or update; and

(b)  if not, why not?

(2)  Is the plan meeting its targets for water quality in the Vasse and Wonnerup Estuaries as per the tables on pages 53 and 54?

(3)  Have any reports been completed in the past five years on the water quality trends in the Vasse and Wonnerup Estuaries?

(a)  If yes, will the minister please table a copy; and

(b)  if no, why not?

(4)  Is the minister aware of serious, recurring eutrophication problems in the Vasse and Wonnerup Estuaries?

(a) If yes, what actions are being undertaken to remediate this?


I thank Hon Diane Evers for some notice of the question.

Honourable member, I believe that this question was referred to the Minister for Water; however, neither of us has it in our folder. Should it arrive, I will provide the answer at the end of question time.


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