Resumed from 19 May. The Deputy Chair of Committees (Hon Matthew Swinbourn) in the chair; Hon Alanna Clohesy (Parliamentary Secretary) in charge of the bill.
Clause 9: Part 2 inserted —
Progress was reported after the clause had been amended.
Hon ALISON XAMON: I rise to indicate that I would like to move the amendment standing in my name at 1/9. I spoke to why I thought this would be a significant improvement on the bill during the second reading debate. I understand from discussions behind the Chair that the government is inclined to support this amendment. If no further discussion is required, I move —
Page 13, lines 1 to 4 — To delete the lines.
Amendment put and passed.
Hon ALISON XAMON: I move the amendment standing in my name at 2/9.
Page 14, after line 15 — To insert —
4H. Conflicts of interest
(1) For each member of the advisory group under section 4F (3) (c) to (f), the conditions referred to in section 4G(1)(d) must include a condition that does the following —
(a) requires the member to disclose any actual, or potential, material conflict of interest that the member has arising out of the advisory group’s function;
(b) specifies when, how and to whom the disclosure must be made;
(c) specifies any other steps that the member must take in relation to the conflict of interest.
(2) The Minister for Health must ensure that a condition of the kind described in subsection (1) applies to any alternate member appointed under section 4G(6).
(3) In cases where the Minister for Health considers it appropriate for a condition to apply, the Minister for Health must ensure that a condition similar to that described in subsection (1) applies to any person, other than a public service officer, who has a role of providing assistance to the advisory group.
(4) The CEO must do the following —
(a) keep a record of —
(i) each disclosure that is made by a member of the advisory group, or another person, under a condition that applies to the member or person as required under subsection (1), (2) or (3); and
(ii) any other steps that are taken in relation to any actual, or potential, conflict of interest that is disclosed;
(b) make a summary of the record available, on request, for inspection.
(5) The regulations may prescribe how a summary of the record is to be made available under subsection (4)(b).
Amendment put and passed.
(Comments and speeches from various members)
Question thus passed with an absolute majority.
Bill read a third time and returned to the Assembly with amendments.