415. Hon ALISON XAMON to the minister representing the Minister for Energy:

My question without notice is asked on behalf of Hon Tim Clifford, who is out of the Parliament on urgent parliamentary business.

An economic recovery focused on net zero transition, renewable energy and green manufacturing has been touted by leading economists, academics and industry groups, including the Australian Industry Group and leading economist Ross Garnaut, as the best way forward following the COVID-19 pandemic.

(1)  Will the state government be taking advantage of WA’s plentiful renewable resources and record low interest rates to support investment in renewable energy in WA to kickstart the COVID-19 economic recovery?

(2)  How does the state government plan to foster green manufacturing and renewable energy in its COVID-19 recovery plan?

(3)  What financial support has the McGowan government given to the renewable energy sector and low-carbon industries during the COVID-19 pandemic?


I thank Hon Tim Clifford for some notice of the question. The following information has been provided to me by the Minister for Energy.

(1)–(3) I table the attached information.

 [See paper 3865. - Details of the State Government renewable resources plan during and after COVID-19 - (Hon Tim Clifford)  ]


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