444. Hon ALISON XAMON to the minister representing the Minister for Energy:

This question without notice of which some notice has been given is on behalf of Hon Tim Clifford who is out of the chamber on urgent parliamentary business.

I note the International Energy Agency recently reported a staggering plunge in global demand for coal, oil and gas during the pandemic, with only renewable electricity proving resilient.

(1)  Is the Premier concerned that the state’s wilful reliance on the volatile LNG industry rather than renewables will leave Western Australia vulnerable to future global crises?

(2)  How does the state government plan to increase investment in renewable energy to ensure the state is better prepared for future energy shocks from global crises?


I thank Hon Tim Clifford for some notice of the question. I note the honourable member has asked the Minister for Energy the question but then asks, “Is the Premier concerned”? Nonetheless, I will provide the answer that has been provided to me by the Minister for Energy.

(1)  No.

(2)  A summary of the McGowan government’s initiatives to increase investment in renewable energy was recently tabled in response to question without notice 415, and I refer the honourable member to that document.


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