373. Hon ALISON XAMON to the Minister for Regional Development:

This question is asked on behalf of Hon Robin Chapple, who is out of the chamber on urgent parliamentary business.

I refer to answers (3)–(5) to question without notice 220 asked in the Legislative Council on 17 March 2020 regarding the Port Hedland buyback scheme that was triggered by uninhabitable dust pollution.

(1)  Whilst understanding that the scheme will apply only to residential properties and not commercial properties, how many residential properties are owned by commercial or government entities?

(2)  Will those residential properties that are owned by commercial or government entities be eligible for the Port Hedland buyback scheme?

(3)  If yes to (2), why?

(4)  If yes to (2), what class of commercial entities will be eligible for the Port Hedland buyback scheme?

Hon DARREN WEST replied:

I thank the honourable member for some notice of the question. On behalf of the Minister for Regional Development, I provide the following answer.

(1)  There are approximately 440 dwellings between Taplin Street and the harbour. Approximately 240 are owned by commercial and government entities.

(2)  No. It is proposed that the state government agencies and those companies contributing to the fund for the scheme will not be eligible, nor will commercial property owners.

(3)–(4) Not applicable.


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