1339. Hon Alison Xamon to the minister representing the Minister for Forestry:

I refer to records management and archiving, and I ask:

(a)  for each of the last five financial years finishing 2016–17, for each Government agency within the Minister’s portfolio, could the Minister please provide the cost of records archiving services including:

(i)  collection;

(ii)  storage;

(iii)  retrieval; and

(iv)  destruction;

(b)  for each of the last five financial years, finishing 2016–17, for each Government agency within the Minister’s portfolio, could the Minister please provide the cost of records management consultancy services provided by:

(i)  the State Records Office; and

(ii)  private consultants and/or consultancy businesses; and

(c)  for each Government agency reporting to the Minister, could the Minister please explain the process by which records held offsite by third-party private companies can be searched and accessed by:

(i)  members of the agency;

(ii)  members of other Government agencies;

(iii)  members of academia; and

(iv)  members of the public?

Hon Alannah MacTiernan replied:

Forest Products Commission

(a)       (i)–(iv) [See tabled paper no 1641 - Hon Alison Xamon — QON No. 1339 — Costs of archiving services and records management consultancy for the past five financial years]

(b)      (i)–(ii) [See tabled paper no 1641 - Hon Alison Xamon — QON No. 1339 — Costs of archiving services and records management consultancy for the past five financial years]

(c)       (i) Individual staff members can search the Electronic Document Records Management System and request records to be retrieved from offsite storage.

(ii)  Members of another agency can contact the Forest Products Commission and request the required record. An off-site storage retrieval request can be made on their behalf. It will be determined if the information can be made available.

(iii)  Members of academia can contact the Forest Products Commission and request the required record. An off-site storage retrieval request can be made on their behalf. It will be determined if the information can be made available within or outside the Freedom of Information Act 1992.

(iv)  Members of the public can contact the Forest Products Commission and request the required record. An off-site storage retrieval request can be made on their behalf. It will be determined if the information can be made available within or outside the Freedom of Information Act 1992.


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