1461. Hon Alison Xamon to the minister representing the Minister for Corrective Services:

I refer to the $400,000 which has been allocated in 2018-19 for reform of prison health, and the transfer of prison health services to the Department of Health, and I ask:

(a)  how it is anticipated this money will be used;

(b)  has a preferred health delivery model been identified;

(c)  if yes to (b), please describe the preferred model;

(d)  if no to (b), when is it anticipated a preferred model will be identified;

(e)  when is it anticipated the transfer of prison health services will be finalised; and

(f)  who has been consulted, or is it intended will be consulted, in the reform of prison health services?

Hon Stephen Dawson replied:

The Department of Justice advises:

(a)  This budget allocation is to fund a fit-for-purpose assessment of custodial health facilities and two project staff for six (6) months.

(b)  No.

(c)  Not applicable.

(d)  A report on the findings of the Justice Health Project has been finalised by the project’s oversight committee for further consideration.

(e)  See (d).

(f)  Consultation included:

On-site meetings with Department of Justice’s health and custodial staff at each publicly run metropolitan and regional custodial facility.

Department of Justice’s Health Services Directorate central office, pharmacy, medical records and psychological services staff.

Key WA health system staff members involved in the delivery of health services to those in custody.

Meetings held with Health Consumers’ Council and Health and Disability Services Complaints Office.

Views sought from a range of external stakeholders such as independent authorities, employer organisations, peak bodies, government agencies, advisory councils/boards and consumer representative/advocacy organisations.

WA Prison Officers Union.


Department of Justice’s internal intranet page.

Prison Support Services and Aboriginal Visitors Scheme staff.

Telephone and video conferences with representatives of Correctional Services in all other Australian jurisdictions.


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