984. Hon ALISON XAMON to the Leader of the House representing the Minister for Child Protection:

I refer to the article in The Sunday Times of 20 September 2020 headed “Life Inside Tent City”.

(1)  Is the department working with any rough sleepers in the Perth CBD to support them towards reunification with children in out-of-home care?

(2)  If yes to (1) —

(a)  how many individuals is the department working with;

(b)  what work is being done; and

(c)  does this work include prioritising housing for these families?

(3)  If no to (1), why not?

(4)  If no to (2)(c), why not?

Hon SUE ELLERY replied:
I thank the honourable member for some notice of the question.

(1)–(4) The Department of Communities is unable to comment on individual cases or circumstances. Communities is working with community service partners to identify accommodation options for rough sleepers that suit each individual, adopting a person-centred approach. In particular, Uniting WA is attending the site at the Lord Street bridge daily to offer support to the individuals present and link them to crisis accommodation and other support services. A number of people have already been supported into emergency accommodation and support services.


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