286. Hon ALISON XAMON to the Minister for Environment:

On behalf of Hon Diane Evers, who is out of the chamber on urgent parliamentary business, I refer to the Vasse–Wonnerup Ramsar-listed wetlands.

(1)  When did the state last report to the commonwealth on the condition of this Ramsar site?

(a)  Is it meeting the Ramsar criteria and staying within the limits for acceptable change; and

(b)  Will the minister table a copy of the report; and, if not, why not?

(2)  What monitoring of fringing vegetation burrs and water quality has been done for the Vasse–Wonnerup wetlands in the past two years?

(a) Will the minister table a copy of the report; and, if not, why not? (3) Has the 2007 ecological character description for this Ramsar been updated?

(3) Has the 2007 ecological character description for this Ramsar been updated?

(a) If yes to (3), when was this done; and, if no, why not?

(4) Has the dredging masterplan, mentioned in the 2007 ecological character description been implemented?

(a) If yes to (4), when was this done and what was the outcome; and, if no, why not?


I thank the honourable member for some notice of the question.

Due to the level of detail required, it is not possible to provide an answer in the time frame given. I give an undertaking to provide an answer on Thursday, 2 April. I will just bring to Hon Diane Evers’ attention, who is away from the chamber on urgent parliamentary business, that this is an eight or nine-part question. There is quite a lot of detail associated with it. However, I give the undertaking that the answer will be provided later this week.


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